A WEEKEND spent outside Bratislava was a thing I needed so much. A balm for my soul. We went to Banská Štiavnica, we had bread in eggs and black tea for breakfast, we read books and magazines, went for a walk, drowned in the fireplace, furnace and also with radiators, because after our arrival there was 6 grades in the cottage. We found out that our old gramophone still works, so we were listening to Earth Wind and Fire and some old school slovak music (yes, we also sang a bit), drank wine and didn't watch TV. Purification. I need to practice it more often...
VÍKEND strávený mimo Bratislavy bolo presne to, čo som najviac potrebovala. Balzám na dušu. Boli sme sa prejsť v Štiavnici, robili sme si bundáš a čierny čaj s citrónom, čítali sme knihy a časopisy, prechádzali sa, kúrili v krbe, piecke aj radiátormi naraz, lebo v chate bolo pri našom príchode 6 stupňov. Zistili, že náš starý gramofón funguje, tak sme si púšťali platne Earth Wind and Fire, Elán, Peter Nagy (áno, aj sme si spievali), pili pri tom víno a nepozerali telku. Očista. Treba praktizovať častejšie...
H&M coat, jeans, scarf and bag / Zara sweater / (old) Gravis sneakers