Friday, November 30, 2012


PROBABLY the cutest and happiest video I saw in last days. My friends from Buffet (and their friends) shot it because of launching of new collection and every time I see it I miss summer. I love it!

ASI NAJMILŠIE a najveselšie videjko, aké som sa poslednú dobu videla. Kamoši z Buffetu (a ich kamoši) ho natočili pri príležitosti vytvorenia novej kolekcie a mne sa po každom jeho pozretí zacnie za letom. Love it!

Monday, November 26, 2012


IT IS POSSIBLE, that you've already seen the H&M spring/summer 2013 collection. I give you now more photos. At least you can see it from my point of view. The truth is, that after I saw the collection on internet, it didn't catch my heart that much. But right after I saw it from closer, I totally changed my mind and found (again) some great pieces in it. And besides all my ramblings I give you more useful informations - the collection is full of ornaments, tassels, embroideries, western elements and looks "boho". And since it is a spring/summer collection, bright colors in contrast with spanish red dominate in it. Materials that are used are silk, linen, cotton but also leather. So, how do you like it?

JE MOŽNÉ, že ste už kolekciu H&M jar/leto 2013 videli. Tak ja vás zavalím kopou nových fotiek. Aspoň to všetko môžete vidieť z môjho pohľadu. Pravda je taká, že keď som kolekciu zahliadla na internete, až tak ma za srdce nechytila. No akonáhle som si ju mohla okukať celú zblízka, totálne som zmenila názor a našla si v nej (zase raz) kopu srdcoviek. A aby sa k vám okrem mojich kecov dostali aj užitočnejšie informácie, tak nech sa páči - kolekcia je plná ornamentov, strapcov, výšiviek, westernových prvkov a pôsobí celkovo bohémsky. A keďže sa jedná o jarno-letné kúsky, kolekcia je plná svetlých, až vyblednutých farieb v kontraste s výraznou červenou, z materiálov prevláda hodváb, ľan, bavlna ale aj koža. Takže, ako sa vám páči?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I LOVE how he combines his clothes. This is his working uniform. A jacket, shirt and tie - this time in camel, dark blue and camouflage. Yummy. I especially love the tie, I should probably show you a part of his tie collection. Next time... Btw I shot it on iPhone, are you ok with other quality of photo?

MILUJEM ako kombinuje veci. Toto je takpovediac jeho pracovná uniforma. Sako, košela, kravata - tentokrát v kombinácii ťavia, tmavomodrá a maskáč. Mňam. Hlavne tá kravata je super, asi by som vám aj mohla ukázať časť jeho zbierky. Nabudúce... Btw je to fotené na iPhone, vadí vám iná kvalita fotiek?

H&M jacket and shirt / Zara tie

Sunday, November 18, 2012


A WEEKEND spent outside Bratislava was a thing I needed so much. A balm for my soul. We went to Banská Štiavnica, we had bread in eggs and black tea for breakfast, we read books and magazines, went for a walk, drowned in the fireplace, furnace and also with radiators, because after our arrival there was 6 grades in the cottage. We found out that our old gramophone still works, so we were listening to Earth Wind and Fire and some old school slovak music (yes, we also sang a bit), drank wine and didn't watch TV. Purification. I need to practice it more often...

VÍKEND strávený mimo Bratislavy bolo presne to, čo som najviac potrebovala. Balzám na dušu. Boli sme sa prejsť v Štiavnici, robili sme si bundáš a čierny čaj s citrónom, čítali sme knihy a časopisy, prechádzali sa, kúrili v krbe, piecke aj radiátormi naraz, lebo v chate bolo pri našom príchode 6 stupňov. Zistili, že náš starý gramofón funguje, tak sme si púšťali platne Earth Wind and Fire, Elán, Peter Nagy (áno, aj sme si spievali), pili pri tom víno a nepozerali telku. Očista. Treba praktizovať častejšie...

H&M coat, jeans, scarf and bag / Zara sweater / (old) Gravis sneakers

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


AUTUMN is beautiful (if the sun shines and it´s more than 15 degrees outside), but I´m still remembering last summer...
Formentera / Neusiedler See / breakfast at Grape festival / Hanka, my niece / Kurt frozen yogurt, yummy! / hello from Formentera / Fuck me I´m famous, Ibiza / Neusiedler See again / mushroom passion from childhood / my sister with a birthday cake, that she made for me

JESEŇ JE krásna (pokiaľ svieti slnko a je nad 15 stupňov), ale ja si ešte pripomínam leto...
Formentera / Neusiedler See / raňajky na Grape festivale / Hanka / Kurt frozen yougurt, mňam mňam! / hello z Formentery / Fuck me I´m famous, Ibiza / Neusiedler See / hubárska vášeň z detstva / moja sestra s pre mňa napečenou narodeninovou tortou

All pictures on Lomo La Sardina and Polaroid by Instant shop

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I DIDN´T KNOW anybody at the Maison Martin Margiela for H&M presentation, nobody knew me as well. We all were incognito there. Yeah, Margiela style let´s say. So we checked and tried on the collection. As you maybe heard before (maybe you didn´t) this collection is a re-edition of iconic pieces of MMM collections since the year 1991. But I was curios how the designs will look like from a closer view. Firstly, materials are great. And when talking about cuts, you probably heard (and saw) already, that the majority of the collection is oversized. And that´s what I like. I can see myself hiding in that big turtleneck sweater. On my feet are those wonderful pumps with transparent heel, well, incognito heel haha. The only thing I´m curious about is, how many people will buy this collection. If you are one of those people who love it, you have to hurry, because there won´t be so many pieces in shops. So let´s go and fight for it since 15th November.

NA PREZENTÁCII Maison Martin Margiela for H&M som nikoho nepoznala, nikto nepoznal mňa. Všetci sme boli inkognito. Tak ako sa na Margielu patrí. Tak sme radšej okukávali a skúšali kolekciu. Ako ste už možno počuli (alebo aj nepočuli) ide o kolekciu, ktorá je reedíciou ikonických kúskov z kolekcii MMM od roku 1991. Ja som však bola zvedavá na prevedenie tejto kolaborácie. V prvom rade, materiály sú super. A čo sa strihov týka, ako ste už možno počuli (a videli), väčšina kolekcie je oversize. A to mám fakt rada. Predstavujem si ako sa strácam v tom obrovskom roláku. A na nohách mám tie skvelé lodičky s neviditeľným opätkom, tzv. inkognito opätkom, hah. Jediné, na čo som teraz zvedavá je, ako sa bude kolekcia predávať. Ak ste z tých, ktorým sa páči, poponáhľajte sa, lebo kúskov v obchode nebude veľa. 15. novembra sa o ne môžete pobiť v bratislavskom Auparku.