WELL, YEAH. This is not that much me. Colourful (and even mustard) tights is not a piece of clothing that dominates my closet. Maybe that is why I had a feeling to finally deal with it and try to match it to my style. I think that with the striped black&white dress, green parka and black accessories I did a quiet good job. And I felt comfy wearing this outfit. Sometimes is good to experiment...
NO, ÁNO. Toto nie som tak úplne ja. Farebné (a ešte k tomu horčicové) pančuchy nie sú zrovna to, čo v mojom šatníku dominuje. Možno preto som mala konečne potrebu sa s nimi popasovať a prispôsobiť si ich svojmu štýlu. Myslím, že s pásikavými čierno-bielymi šatami, zelenou parkou a čiernymi doplnkami sa mi to celkom podarilo a ja som sa v tom prekvapivo cítila dobre. Niekedy je dobré experimentovať...
H&M parka and dress, Zara shoes and bag, Bepon tights, Mango sunnies