Sunday, February 24, 2013


1. MARTIN'S HEART. Just for me! :*
2. Local grocery shop in Castelldefels. Around the entire perimeter were three shelves of old dusty bottles. Very impressive.
3. Platja de Castelldefels (does it need to be translated?).
4. I opened (and ate) last chocolate of my advent calendar last week. A bit late, I know, but it was nice to have Christmas Eve again :) 
5. First day at Phuket. Alone by the pool. Relaxing. I just wish for sun (the forecast is not so favorable for us, wrrrrr).

1. MAŤOVE SRDCE. Len a len pre mňa! :*
2. Miestne potraviny v Castelldefels. Okolo celého obvodu boli tri police zaprášených starých fliaš. Veľmi pôsobivé.
3. Platja de Castelldefels (treba prekladať?).
4. Tento týždeň som otvorila (a zjedla) posledné políčko adventného kalendáru. Čo na tom, že trochu po funuse. Aspoň som mala taký malý Štedrý večer :)
5. Prvý deň na Phukete. Sama pri bazéne. Totálny relax. Už len slnko prosím (vyhliadky, čo sa počasia týka, nie sú veľmi priaznivé, wrrrrr).

Friday, February 22, 2013


SO LET'S start from the beginning. I'm still home, counting the days until vacation. Photos are from Sunday when we were in Casteldefells, where we stayed. I love it there, it's close to Barcelona, but it's peace there, sea, nice bars on the beach - such a seaside chill.
When talking about counting days, the number is 0. We are flying today. I can't wait! Just to let you know, internet is there, but I'm planning not to be the slave of it. I don't know how often I will write posts, maybe there won't be any post in next two weeks. Hope you won't forget me until then :) (At least I won't provoke you.)

TAKŽE pekne poporiadku. Ešte nie som na dovolenke, stále odratávam (už mi veľa nechýba). Fotky sú z nedele z Casteldefells, kde sme bývali. Mám to tam veľmi rada, je to kúsok od Barcelony, ale je tam kľud, more, príjemné bary na pláži - taká malomestská prímorská pohoda.
A keď sme pri tom odratávaní, to číslo je 0. Dnes letíme. Teším sa ako malé dieťa. Len aby ste vedeli, internet tam je, ale neplánujem byť jeho otrokom a neručím za to, ako často a či vôbec tu niečo v priebehu najbližších dvoch týždňov uvidíte. Tak dúfam, že na mňa nezanevriete :) (Aspoň vás nebudem provokovať.)

H&M coat and belt / Zara jeans, sweater / Gamloong boots / COS bag / Style Scrapbook for Kipling camera bag

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


WHO WOULD said that. Friday at work, Monday at work, weekend in Barcelona. It was just a quick trip. My cousin that lives in Barcelona (actually in Casteldefells that is very close to it) was celebrating her 30's birthday and we went there for her secret party. I don't have to tell you how surprised and shocked she was :) . I don't have many photos, most of them are family pictures. We were in Barcelona only for three hours, but we managed to breathe the atmosphere of the city. Oh God, how I love Barcelona!

KTO BY TO bol povedal. V piatok v robote, v pondelok v robote, víkend v Barcelone. Bolo to len veľmi narýchlo. Sesternica žijúca v Barcelone (teda v Casteldefells, čo je kúsok odtiaľ) oslavovala 30-tku a my sme sa vybrali na jej tajnú oslavu. Nemusím hovoriť ako prekvapená, potešená a šokovaná bola :) . Fotiek je málo, väčšina je rodinných. V Barcelone sme boli asi na tri hodiny, ale aj za tú chvíľu sme sa aspoň trochu nadýchali atmosféry mesta. Ach, ako ja milujem Barcelonu!

H&M coat and rings / Zara sweater and pants / Gamloong boots / COS bag / Style Scrapbook for Kipling camera bag / Forever21 sunglasses

Monday, February 18, 2013


1. I LOVE the feeling, when a package, with something I'm really looking for, arrives. This time it was the camera bag Style Scrapbook for Kipling. Yeeeaaaaah!
2. He was my darling. He spent all my childhood with me, cause I was carrying him with me all the time. Then he got lost. When my grandma gave me my darling last week, I almost started to cry. Since then my cute little doggie eats breakfast with me :)
3. Banana in chocolate. With cream. Totally retro, that was a part of my lunch menu. I started to laugh when I saw it. But in the end it was sooo delicious I wanted more and more!
4. Ooooh yes, I'm counting. Only 5 days to go. I can't wait!
5. We don't celebrate Valentine's day that much. I just made a Valentine's tea bags for Martin, they were with a secret message (you'll see this week). If you want the instructions how to make it, here they are. I changed it a bit.

1. MILUJEM ten pocit, keď mi dojde balíček s niečim, na čo sa už strašne teším. Tentokrát to bola taška na foťák Style Scrapbook for Kipling. Jupíííí!
2. Bol to môj miláčik. Prežil so mnou celé detstvo, lebo som ho vláčila všade so sebou. Potom sa prepadol pod zem. Keď mi ho cez týždeň moja babka doniesla, nahrnuli sa mi slzy do očí. Od vtedy so mnou pravidelne raňajkuje :)
3. Banán v čokoláde. So šľahačkou. Totálne retro, ktoré bolo súčasťou obedového menu. Dosť som sa pobavila, keď ho čašníčka predomňa položila. Zdanie klame, ja som sa oblizovala až za ušami a mala som chuť na duplu!
4. Ooooo áno, odpočítavam! Už len 5 dní a my letíme. Neviem sa dočkať!
5. Valentín oslavujeme/neoslavujeme po svojom. Ja som tento rok vyrobila Maťovi valentínsky čaj s tajným odkazom (ten vám ešte ukážem). Ak chcete návod na výrobu, nájdete ho tu. Ja som si ho samozrejme prispôsobila. 

Friday, February 15, 2013


SPORTY minimal look. Oh yeaaah! That's what I like (and feel the best in it). They know how to do it in spanish issue of Grazia magazine.

ŠPORTOVO minimalistický look. Ou jeeeee! Presne to ja naozaj môžem (a cítim sa v tom najlepšie). V španielskom vydaní časopisu Grazia vedia ako na to.

Source via my daily style

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


WHAT IS happening outside right now (well, at least in Bratislava), that is Siberia. I don't mind snowing that much, but why the hell that awful wind? The only bright point of these days is for me the vision of upcoming heat and sun... Btw here are promised shoes from Sunday's "Weekly" in action.

TO ČO SA momentálne deje vonku (teda aspoň v Bratislave), to je čistý Sibír. Sneženie mi až tak nevadí, ale prečo ten vietor? Jediný svetlý bod týchto dní je pre mňa vidina blížiaceho sa tepla a slnka... Mimochodom tu sú sľúbené topánky z nedeľného "Weekly" v akcii.

Vintage fur coat / H&M pants, (Martin's) sweatshirt and rings / Zara boots / COS bag / necklace from Budapest

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I LOVE partners look (for us it doesn't happen very often). I love these socks. I love him!

MILUJEM partners look (aj keď u nás k tomu často nedochádza). Milujem tieto ponožky. Milujem jeho!

Happy Socks by Curtis Kulig (special Valentine edition)

Sunday, February 10, 2013


YOU KNOW how it is, weeks run so fast, I go to work in the morning, after I come home it's already dark outside (I hate this winter time!), I do something at home and go to sleep. It sounds boring probably, but there is a little something each day, that catches my heart, cheers me, inspires me (and I thank technical achievements (iPhone), that I can capture them). Exactly these little things I would like to share with you every week. I hope it will become regular :)
1. I wore these Versace for H&M pants three times in last two weeks. Apparently this is the comeback of them.
2. My new section in La Femme magazine, ehm.
3. I remember when I was a kid, I used to have the classic old and good hotdogs near my house. Those times are permanently gone. Thank God there is this Kamzín Buffet in Bratislava. They have the best old good hotdogs. I go there from time to time, buy one and it returns me to my childhood, yummy!
4. Kamila Filipčíková. A Slovak model, that I often see in magazines and on catwalks, which makes me happy, cause she has something gentle-ethereal-different in herself. And she's my classmate from elementary school.
5. My latest shoe catch. Soon you'll see them in action.

VIETE AKO to je, týždne bežia ako voda, ráno idem do roboty, keď prídem domov, je už tma (nemám rada zimný čas!), niečo doma porobím a idem spať. Znie to možno nudne, ale každý deň tu je niečo, čo ma chytí za srdce, zaujme, rozveselí, inšpiruje (a ja ďakujem vymoženostiam doby (iPhone), že ich môžem zachytiť). Presne o tieto veci by som sa s vami každý týždeň podelila. Dúfam, že mi to vydrží :)
1. Versace for H&M gate som za posledné dva týždne mala asi trikrát. Očividne nastal ich comeback.
2. Moja nová rubrika v časopise La Femme, ehm.
3. Pamätám si keď som ako decko chodila na klasické staré dobré hotdogy do stánku na Trnavskom mýte. Tie časy sú davno preč. Ešteže existuje Bufet Kamzík na Kolibe, kde majú tie najlepšie staré dobré hotdogy. Z času na čas si na ne zájdeme a ja sa vždy vrátim do detstva, mňam!
4. Kamila Filipčíková. Slovenská modelka, ktorú v poslednej dobe vídam v časopisoch a na mólach často, čo ma teší, lebo má v sebe niečo jemno-éterično-odlišné. A je to moja dávna bývala spolužiačka.
5. Môj posledný topánkový výpredajový úlovok. Čoskoro uvidíte v akcii.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013


MARTIN'S collection of ties (well, a part of his collection). I've always tended to boys with thin ties. Probably, I chose the right guy...

MAŤOVA zbierka kravát (teda časť jeho zbierky). Vždy som inklinovala k chlapcom s tenkými kravatami. Asi som si vybrala dobre... 

From left: H&M / vintage / Maison Martin Margiela for H&M apron / Zara / Zara / vintage / H&M / Zara / Zara

Monday, February 04, 2013


IT'S BEEN a while since we had here someone in (my favorite) section "Idol". I don't know much about this lovely girl. Candela is a model and a mummy in one, she's married to famous italian architect, that's why she is so inspiring in fashion and in interior design as well. Ooooh, and she has great haircut (I have the urge to cut my hair again)!

UŽ SME TU dlho nikoho nemali do (mnou obľúbenej) rubriky "Idol". Veľa o tejto milej žienke neviem. Stačí aspoň toľko, že Candela je modelka a mamina v jednom, za muža má známeho talianskeho architekta, takže je dosť inšpiratívna v obliekaní aj čo sa interiérového dizajnu týka. Oooo, a má skvelé vlasy (zase mám to neutíchajúce nutkanie ostrihať sa)!

Source: tumbrl,