SALES ARE killing me! I mean, yeah they are great. But on the other hand you spend more money in one month of sales then in 5 months without sales. You know what I mean. But isn´t it great if you find something you loved, but you didn´t buy it (cause it was too expensive) and now you have the opportunity to buy the exactly same thing but in a much lower price? Yes, sales are killing me. And for those who noticed - this jacket is new. But I got it from my dad (thanks!), so it didn´t ruined my budget at all :) .
Sooo, if I want to be bad, I´ll tell you now - there is a big online sale on
Fashion Days where you can find brands like Alexander McQueen, Dolce and Gabbana, Givenchy or Kenzo with up to 80 % off. Ok, now I need to watch my wallet...
ZĽAVY MA ničia! Teda ako, sú super. Ale na druhej strane za mesiac zliav miniete viac peňazí ako za 5 mesiacov keď zľavy nie su. Chápete. Ale nie je to super, keď nájdete niečo, čo sa vám kedysi páčilo, ale nekúpili ste si to (bolo to drahé) a teraz máte možnosť si to kúpiť oveľa lacnejšie? Hej hej, zľavy ma ničia. A pre tých z vás, čo si všimli - mám novú bundu. Dostala som ju od ocina (ďakujem!), takže nezruinovala môj rozpočet :) .
Takže...ak chcem byť zlá, poviem vám toto - na stránke Fashion Days, kde nájdete značky ako Alexander McQueen, Dolce and Gabbana, Givenchy alebo Kenzo, sú zľavy až do 80 %. Ok, dávam si pozor na peňaženku...
Zara jacket, skirt, boots and bag / H&M shirt, necklaces and sunglasses