Monday, September 30, 2013


MORE OR LESS spontaneous trip to Prague was much better that we didn't planned. We went there with friends to see some friends, met other friends, wandered the city, we were just sitting, eating, drinking and eating again. I found out that I probably wouldn't want to live in Prague, but it is very beautiful on the other hand. And I will be returning there for weekends like this with joy.

VIAC - MENEJ spontánny výlet do Prahy vyšiel ešte lepšie ako sme neplánovali. Išli sme len tak za kamošmi s kamošmi, stretli ďalších kamošov, blúdili mestom, sedeli, jedli, pili a znova jedli. Zistila som, že v Prahe by som asi nechcela žiť, ale že je vlastne naozaj krásna. A na takéto blúdne víkendy sa tam budem rada vracať.

H&M shirt, sweatshirt and shoes / Zara jacket and jeans / Cos bag / New Yorker sunnies

Sunday, September 29, 2013


JENNA LYONS is the president and creative director of J. Crew. Maybe you'll tell yourself, that this woman's style is not so special. But I like her sense to combine clothes, her glasses, her charm and personality. And her pants' outfits are something for me, mostly those with jeans...  

JENNA LYONS je šéfkou a kreatívnou riaditeľko značky J. Crew. Možno si poviete, že nie je ničím výnimočná. Mňa však baví jej cit pre kombináciu, okuliare, srší z nej šarm a osobnosť. A jej nohavicové kreácie su mi blízke, najmä tie riflové...

Monday, September 23, 2013


I LOVE this trench. It's great great and once again great! That's all I can say. Well, there's something more....this is what I wore for the Vienna Fashion Week last week (post here). And I felt sooo good in it!

MILUJEM tento kabát. Je super super a ešte raz super! To je asi tak všetko, čo k tomu poviem. A ešte to, že v tomto som vlastne bola na prehliadke na viedenskom fashion weeku (článok tu). A cítila som sa v tom skvele!

H&M trench coat and bag / Buffet t-shirt / Zara jeans and sneakers

Sunday, September 22, 2013


THERE ARE not so many things that happened in last two weeks :) . My working days are very hectic now, so I try to compensate it with weekends full of nice memories...
1. We just returned from Prague, we went there for three days. There were quite many things to do - Fashion weekend, exhibition of architecture and construction, some market on the street (guys on the picture were playing some unknown game), Red Bull Flying day. And we were just wandering around the city....
2. ....and eating all that good czech food, drinking beer....
3. ....eating tons of sweets and cakes (we even faked our friend's birthday to get a cake with candle)....
4. ....saw this cute All for children Halloween collection, that will be available in H&M from October 10th.
5. And as you already may know, we were in Vienna on the first big fashion show of our skilled friends from Buffet clothing. I loved it!
More of my daily "experiences" you can see on instagram.

ZA POSLEDNÉ dva týždňe sa toho udialo málo aj veľa :) . Týždne sú teraz pre mňa veľmi hektické, ale snažím sa to kompenzovať si bohatými víkendami. Minimálne teda bohatými na zážitky...
1. Práve sme sa vrátili z Prahy, kde sme boli na predĺženom víkende. Dialo sa tam veľa vecí od Fashion weekendu, cez veľtrh architektúry a stavebníctva, nejakého super trhu (chlapíci na fotke hrali zváštnu hru, netuším čo to bolo) až po Red Bull Letecký deň. A my sme sa len tak motkali....
2. .... a jedli samé české jedlá, pili pivo....
3. .... tlačili do seba kopu sladkého (dokonca sme nafingovali fake narodeniny kamoša, aby sme dostali tortu so sviečkou)....
4. .... videli túto svelú All for children halloween-sku kolekciu, ktorá bude od 10. októbra v H&M.
5. A ako iste viete, boli sme aj vo Viedni na prvej super veľkej prehliadke našich šikovných kamošov z Buffetu. Super to bolo, až som za nich nervózna bola :)
Viac z mojich denných "zážitkov" môžete vidieť na instagrame.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


BUFFET fashion show on Vienna Fashion Week was the highlight of last week for me. We made a little trip on Sunday, met some friends there, but mostly we enjoyed it with Michal, Mirča and Inka. I tell you, I know Buffet since their beginning. It went step by step, they began with casual t-shirts, made some changes in their "team" and the brand slowly grew up. But the changes in last year and a half...BIG UP! They made it to Vienna FW, when they presented their new collection (not only) to Austrian people. It was great, I was quite nervous, but sooo proud of my friends! They're handy I have to say, well watch this video from the fashion show... Btw I looove their coats!

BUFFET prehliadka na Viedenskom Fashion Weeku bola pre mňa vrcholom minulého týždňa. V nedeľu sme si spravili malý výlet, stretli sme kamošov, ale hlavne sme sa tešili spolu s Michalom, Mirčou a Inkou. Poviem vám, s Buffetom som už od ich vzniku. Išlo to postupne, začínali obyčajnými tričkami, v tíme sa vymenili nejakí ľudia a značka sa pomaly rozvíjala. Ale to čo sa s Buffetom udialo za posledný rok a pol...BIG UP! Potvrdzuje to fakt, že so svojou najnovšou kolekciou sa mohli predstaviť (nielen) rakúskemu publiku. Bolo to super, nervózna som bola teda poriadne, ale pýšná na kamošov o to viac! Šikovní su, veď pozrite si video (tu)... P.S. milujem ich kabáty!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


WHEN Freja appears somewhere, it has to be successful. At least it looks good. Or at least I like it. That's how I would summarize it :) . Freja is the face of Reserved campaign this season. The whole campaign is cool, sexy and feminine and my current biggest desire is to disappear somewhere, where the nature is wild and enjoy some romantic time there...
And btw, my cosmetic giveaway ended yesterday, so I (randomly) chose two winners. So congrats to girls with comment nr. 37 and 68! Wait for an e-mail ;)

KDE SA Freja objaví, to musí mať úspech. Alebo to minimálne dobre vyzerá. Alebo sa to aspoň mne páči. Tak by som to zhrnula :) . Freja je momentálne tvárou jesennej kampane značky Reserved. Celá kampaň je cool, sexy a ženská zároveň a ja mám momentálne najväčšiu túžbu sa vypariť niekde do polodivej prírody a užívať si tam romantiku...
A mimochodom, keďže včera skončila kozmetická giveaway, práve som (náhodne) vybrala dve výherkyne. Takže dievčatá s komentárom 37 a 68 gratulujem! Píšem vám ;)

Friday, September 13, 2013


THIS SUPER cool mesh skirt is something new on this blog. It's great and I wore it (probably) last time this season. It is the result of the H&M recycling party. The mesh was originally longer, I just cut it. The rest I gave to Melisa, she used it as well. So the skirt was 100 %-ly recycled and we both are now satisfied! 

TÚTO SUPER sieťkovú sukňu ste na mne ešte nevideli. Je fakt skvelá a cez víkend som využila (asi) poslednú šancu si ju obliecť. Je vlastne výsledkom H&M recyklačného večierku. Pôvodne bola sieťka dlhšia, ja som ju len odstrihla. Odstrihnutý zvyšok využila Melisa. Takže sukňa zrecyklovaná na 100 % a na spokojnosť dvoch ľudí!

H&M skirt / Zara t-shirt, jacket and bag / Keds shoes / Forever21 necklace