THERE ARE not so many things that happened in last two weeks :) . My working days are very hectic now, so I try to compensate it with weekends full of nice memories...
1. We just returned from Prague, we went there for three days. There were quite many things to do - Fashion weekend, exhibition of architecture and construction, some market on the street (guys on the picture were playing some unknown game), Red Bull Flying day. And we were just wandering around the city....
2. ....and eating all that good czech food, drinking beer....
3. ....eating tons of sweets and cakes (we even faked our friend's birthday to get a cake with candle)....
4. ....saw this cute All for children Halloween collection, that will be available in H&M from October 10th.
5. And as you already may know, we were in Vienna on the first big fashion show of our skilled friends from Buffet clothing. I loved it!
More of my daily "experiences" you can see on instagram.
ZA POSLEDNÉ dva týždňe sa toho udialo málo aj veľa :) . Týždne sú teraz pre mňa veľmi hektické, ale snažím sa to kompenzovať si bohatými víkendami. Minimálne teda bohatými na zážitky...
1. Práve sme sa vrátili z Prahy, kde sme boli na predĺženom víkende. Dialo sa tam veľa vecí od Fashion weekendu, cez veľtrh architektúry a stavebníctva, nejakého super trhu (chlapíci na fotke hrali zváštnu hru, netuším čo to bolo) až po Red Bull Letecký deň. A my sme sa len tak motkali....
2. .... a jedli samé české jedlá, pili pivo....
3. .... tlačili do seba kopu sladkého (dokonca sme nafingovali fake narodeniny kamoša, aby sme dostali tortu so sviečkou)....
4. .... videli túto svelú All for children halloween-sku kolekciu, ktorá bude od 10. októbra v H&M.
5. A ako iste viete, boli sme aj vo Viedni na prvej super veľkej prehliadke našich šikovných kamošov z Buffetu. Super to bolo, až som za nich nervózna bola :)
Viac z mojich denných "zážitkov" môžete vidieť na instagrame.
super článek se krásnými fotkami :)
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och ten buffet mi nevysiel, musela som do ostravy . ale museli byt najfasa!