I ALMOST forgot about these pictures. They are from Vietnam, our last days that we spent on Phu Qouc island. At the end of our beach we had these beautiful big rocks. We were passing them every day, sometimes we all took a photo, but I was whimpering and begging for a single photo all the time. The result - me, oily from a massage with no make-up, but finally with some pictures... Now I only miss those kind of photos, where I'm running on a beach in bikini, splashing the water and flicking my hair during the sunset...NOT :)
While browsing these photos I remembered a quite old song Sticks 'n' stones from Jamie T, so check it out...
SKORO SOM na tieto fotky zabudla. Sú ešte z Vietnamu, keď sme boli posledných pár dní na ostrove Phu Quoc. Na konci našej pláže stáli tieto krásne skaly. Každý deň sme okolo nich chodili, občas sme sa pri nich všetci odfotili, ale ja som Maťovi stále "fňukala", nech ma tu odfotí samotnú. Výsledok - ja, mastná od masáže a bez make-upu, ale hlavne, že mám fotky v skalách... Už mi do sérky chýbajú len také, kde bežím po plaží v plavkách, kopem vodu pred seba a prehrabávam si pri tom vlasy...NOT :)
Pri prezeraní fotiek som si spomenula na už celkom starú pesničku Sticks 'n' stones od Jamie T, len sa mi sem veľmi nehodila. Tak kuknite...
Isabel Marant pour H&M dress / Havaianas flip flops / Lindex bag