Friday, April 04, 2014


...YOU MAKE us feel special. Leather pants was that kind of thing, that I was missing in my closet. I can't say I had a big crush on it but with a little coincidence this one were somehow given to me. And while wearing them I feel exactly how Isabel Marant would like to - bohemian, chic, cool and girly at the same time. Isabel always knows...

...VĎAKA tebe sa cítime krajšie. Kožené gate bola donedávna vec, ktorá mi v šatníku chýbala. Nieže by som po nich bezmedzne túžila, ale zhodou viacerých náhod sa ku mne dostali práve tieto. A cítim sa v nich presne tak, ako by (asi) Isabel Marant chcela - božsky, chic, trochu drsne, ale veľmi žensky zároveň. Isabel vie ako na to...

Isabel Marant pour H&M leather trousers / H&M jacket and slip-ons / Zara sweater / Cos bag