Tuesday, August 27, 2013


MAYBE you're not used to see me wearing a cap... But it was rainy yesterday and I didn't want to bruise the city with an umbrella, that limits me :) . Since I have short hair I have that feeling I don't look good in hats and caps and beanies. I would love to wear my hat, so maybe I'll give it one more chance. But in this cap I feel kind of funky. A different me, don't you think...? We went out with Babô, had some lemonades, Zuz also joined us. We haven't seen each other for a longer time, so we had lot of things to chat about. And since Babô is going to Lisbon for a half year, I wanted to farewell. And we made a photo together :) . Babô, enjoy it (you will love it, I envy you)!

MOŽNO NA mňa nie ste zvyknutí takto v šiltovke... Lenže včera bolo škaredo, pršalo a mne sa nechce chodiť s dáždnikom, ten ma obmedzuje :) . Od kedy mám kratšie vlasy, mám pocit, že mi čiapky veľmi nejdú. Ani klobúky (aj keď dám tomu asi šancu). Ale v tejto šiltovke sa cítim celkom funky. Taká iná ja. Či nie....? S Babô sme si boli len tak sadnúť na limonádku. Pridala sa ku nám aj Zuz, dlho sme sa nevideli, tak bolo celkom o čom. No a keďže Babô o týždeň odchádza fuč minimálne na pol roka, tak som sa chcela rozlúčiť. Aj sme si spoločnú fotku dali :) . Babô, maj sa tam pekne (ticho ti to závidím)!

Zara jeans and top / Boss Orange coat / Converse sneakers / Cos bag / (Martin's) Pull & Bear cap / Forever 21 necklace

Sunday, August 25, 2013


1. WE DISCOVERED these Fentimans lemonades in a small cafe Gavalier in Banská Štiavnica. Soooo nice, we had to buy it!
2. New picture a.k.a. hanger for our sunnies. I finally managed to make it after few months of just thinking about it...
3. I love that view.
4. The big bear was guarding her...
5. On the way back home. Few minutes after I took this photo, we mounted the roof and it started to rain. One hour later, while standing in traffic, the roof got wet and it started to drip on me. Well, cabrio has its own charm!
6. He stood there, waited for his owner, he didn't move, even when I spoke to him :)

1. TIETO Fentimans limonádky sme objavili v kaviarni Gavalier v Banskej Štiavnici. Úúúúplne krásne, no nekúp to!
2. Nový obraz a.k.a. držiak na okuliare. Konečne som sa po pol roku dokopala k jeho realizácii...
3. Milujem ten výhľad.
4. Medveď ju strážil...
5. Cesta domov. Chvíľu na to, ako som to odfotila, sme nahodili strechu a začalo pršať. O hodinu neskôr, stojac v zápche v lejaku, strecha premokla a začalo na mňa kvapkať. Cabrio má proste svoje čaro!
6. Stál tam, čakal na svojho pána, ani sa len nepohol, aj keď som naňho hovorila :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013


IT WAS A destiny. I came there, they were just standing there, all alone, just my size and without a price tag. A kitten heel, I told myself "these are the right for me". 10 Eur price decided it all. We finally belong to each other!

BOL TO OSUD. Prišla som tam, stáli tam, posledné a osamotené, akurát moje číslo a bez cenovky. Nízky opätok, hovorím si "presne pre mňa". Cena 10 Eur rozhodla. Našli sme sa a teraz konečne patríme k sebe!

from Zara

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


RIGHT now has come that time, when most of us are happy that the heat is gone and we can wear jeans or sweaters. In few weeks will come that time when we'll start to grumble and mourn for summer secretly. That's the thing. Cycle of year, cycle of life, cycle of our irrelevant thoughts and feelings. But I enjoyed today's weather :)
Btw there is one bonus photo on my Facebook.

PRÁVE nastala tá chvíľa, kedy sme si možno viacerí vydýchli od tepla a s radosťou si obliekli rifle alebo svetre. A o niekoľko týždňov príde chvíľa, kedy začneme nadávať a potajomky smútiť za letom. Presne tak to je. Kolobeh roka, kolobeh života, kolobeh našich nerozhodných myšlienok a pocitov. Ale ja som si to dnes celkom užila :)
PS: jedna bonusovka na Facebooku.

Zara sweater dress / H&M boots, necklace and earrings / COS bag 

Sunday, August 18, 2013


ANOTHER inspiring and stylish woman. Sarah Rutson is from London but now based in Hong Kong working as fashion director of luxury store Lane Crawford. Mmmm, it's obvious. She has taste even she isn't 20 anymore... Quite good inspiration for next week, don't you think?

ĎALŠIA z inšpiratívnych a štýlových žien. Sarah Rutson je pôvodom z Londýna, ale momentálne pôsobí v Hong Kongu ako módna šéfka luxusného obchodu Lane Crawford. Hmm, vidieť. Vkus má aj napriek tomu, že už nemá 20... Tak čo, do nového týždňa celkom fajn inšpirácia, nie?

Source: Vogue, Style.com, Stylelovely.com, Streetfsn.com, ?

Saturday, August 17, 2013


OK, JUST tell me, why are you doing this to me, huh? New collection mean new dreams to me (how shallow!) and big self-denial. I just LOVE those first boots and flats with yellow point. What am I going to do now???

OK, povedzte, prečo mi toto robíte? Nové kolekcie pre mňa znamenajú nové sny (aké plytké!) a veľké sebazapretie. Ale ja proste MILUJEM tie prvé čižmy a balerínky so žltou špičkou. Aaaaa, čo budem len teraz robiť???

Stradivarius / Zara / Stradivarius / Zara / Zara

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I JUST looooove this dress! I didn't meant to buy it at first (I don't wear red clothes that much), but when I tried it on, I just had to! It was so comfy and the cut was just great. And now I don't regret it at all, cause it's perfect. Well, our shopping trip to Vienna was successful, for sure...

JA PROSTE milujem tieto šaty! Najprv som dosť zvažovala ich kúpu (červené veci moc nenosím), ale keď som si ich vyskúšala, proste som musela! Boli super pohodlné a strih bol skvelý. A teraz to fakt neľutujem, lebo sú úúúúplne najviac. Nuž, náš nákupný výlet do Viedne bol úspešný...

COS dress and bag / Converse sneakers / H&M necklace / Koton earrings 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


1. THERE were beautiful decorations in stages at Grape festival, what a nice detail.
2. I celebrated my birthday as a real lady a.k.a. back to roots.
3. Birthyday flowers from my friend, soooo amazing! (Thanks a lot!)
4. Present from my dad, pure love.
5. ...he wanted to make friends :)
6. Another tweak - whipping the cream for a cake in the basin (it sprayed on all sides).
7. Once you'll visit Piešťany, go and eat in La Provence, a very cute restaurant.

1. NA GRAPE mali krásne výzdoby v stanoch, naozaj milý detail.
2. Oslava narodenín na dámu a.k.a. back to roots.
3. Narodeninová kytica od kamošky, úúúúúplna krása! (Ďakujem!)
4. Darček od ocina, pure love.
5. ...sa chcel kamošiť :)
6. Ďalšia zo sekcie domácich vychytávok. Šľahanie tortového krému v umývadle (strašne to striekalo na všetky strany).
7. Keď budete v Piešťanoch, choďte sa najesť do La Provance, veľmi milá reštika!

Wednesday, August 07, 2013


IT'S ONLY a half of summer, but I'm probably done with my holiday. In February I took my Lomo Sardina to Thailand, but since I haven't used the whole photo film, I continued in Ibiza. And here is the result. Well, the selection of result. And what is the finding? My camera doesn't take such good pictures (I have to shoot from a small distance, only then are my photos clear), but I think they have charm :) . What do you think?

LETO JE síce v plnom prúde, no ja mám podľa všetkého už prázdniny a.k.a. dovolenky za sebou. Ešte vo februári som si zobrala do Thajska svoju Lomo Sardinku, ale keďže som celý film nevyfotila, pokračovalo sa na Ibize. A hľa, tu je výsledok. Teda výber z výsledku. A zistenie? Síce foťák nefotí stopercentne (ostrejšie fotky sú len tie fotené zblízka), ale fotky majú svoje čaro. Čo myslíte?