1. MARTIN returned from business trip to Moscow and brought me these gems! Vogue Russia for scrolling through (I don't speak russian), magnet to put on refrigerator - Putin, gingerbread heart, but he wasn't sure what's written there. There were two options - for best girl-friend or for best mother-in-law :) . Russian experts agreed on "girlfriend", thank God!
2. Matrioskas - another present from Moscow, I was happy as a little kid can be.
3. I'm really happy that summer is coming and I hope it will be nice, sunny and hot, but...I'm in love, that sweater is just gorgeous!
4. (Yes, I know, food again, but...) My cousin came from Australia for couple of weeks, so we grilled some kangaroo meat. My first question was - You mean really? Kangaroo meat? I don't believe you. When it became clear it was a kangaroo meat, second question came - Did you bring that from Australia? No, I bought it in Lidl... Ehm, so if you would like to try... (It tastes like venison.)
5. Another issue of La Femme magazine including my section, this time with something from technical sphere, design and beautiful places.
1. MAŤO sa vrátil zo služobky v Moskve a doniesol mi samé skvosty! Ruský Vogue na prelistovanie (po rusky fakt neviem), magnetku na ladničku - Putina, medové srdiečko, ale nebol si istý, či je na ňom napísané nejlepšej priateľke alebo najlepšej svokre :) Ruskí odborníci sa zhodli na priateľke, diky Bohu!
2. Matriošky - ďalší darček z Moskvy, tešila som ako malé dieťa.
3. Naozaj som rada, že ide leto a dúfam, že bude vydarené, teplé a slnečné, ale...I'm in love, ten sveter je skvelý!
4. (Áno viem, jedlo, ale...) Bratranec nás došiel pozrieť z Austrálie, tak sme si u nich na grilovačke ugrilovali klokanie mäso. Moja prvá otázka - To ako vážne? Klokanie mäso? Neverím. Keď teda vysvitlo, že je to pravda, nasledovala druhá otázka - To si doniesol z Austrálie? Nie, kúpil v Lidli... Ehm, takže keby ste mali chuť... (Ináč chutí to ako divina.)
5. Ďalšie číslo La Femme aj s mojou rubrikou v predaji, tentokrát som zašla do vôd techniky, dizajnu a pekných miest.